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special thanks to:
Hager Fondation, commission
Thierry Danet, Ososphère, artistic consultancy
Nadia Hoffmann, Hager, project management
Jean Hans Maennel, Industrie Magnifique
Walther Wathieu, technical assistance
The artwork has been commissioned by the French Germán company: Hager for the 2021 event: industrie magnifique in Strasbourg, France.
After the event the artwork has been moved to the factory site in Blieskastel, Germany where it is now part of the Hager Fondation, collection.
Imagine you could know the ”on/off” state of all the switches in the world? Would that mean anything to you, to us, in general? Is it just data or information? The permanent installation has been commissioned by the German-French electric fuse manufacturer Hager. It plays with the probability that any random data, zeroes and ones, ”ons and offs”, constitute tangible, usable, exploitable meaning. The artwork consists of two wall-like elements: the first one is made of 576 displays showing random combinations of their sixteen segments. From time to time, roman letters emerges from these proto-signs, and by chance even words. The second wall displays these words, which are then arranged in a logical order, assisted by an artificial intelligence. The artwork creates an entire text stochastically, propagated in the public realm, as if we could find meanings in the maze of random zeroes and ones.
public artworks by the Belgian artstudio LAb[au], laboratory for art and urbanism, atr&language, art&architecture crossing conceptual art, kinetic art, digital art, konkrete
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