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Oh My God


Manuel Abendroth, Jérôme Decock, Els Vermang

Oh My God

OMG was realized with the financial support of the Commission des Arts Numériques de la Communauté Française de Belgique.



The artwork captures cosmic rays and transforms these messengers of another time way before our existence into light, sound and text. In this way the artwork connects us to the scale of space and time by making the invisible visible.

Tripots, Geiger Mueller tubes, Tl tubes, speakers, electronics

project text

The artwork captures cosmic rays and transforms them into light, sound and text. Cosmic rays are high-energy particles that circulate in the interstellar space and pass through our atmosphere, rocks and buildings, and penetrate deep into our planetary soils and subsoils. Charged with energy, they are at the base of 14% of radioactive radiation on earth. Their energy level depends on their origin: those with least energy come from the activity of the Sun, for those of lower energy, those with average energy come from supernovas and those with ultra-high energy are pulsar.

ohMyGod was the name given to the cosmic ray with the highest energy recorded so far. The recent discovery of cosmic rays gives us new indications of the origin and expansion of the universe. As light travels faster than matter, these rays arrive on Earth up to 10 million years later than the extinction of the star itself. Therefore we are measuring something the origin of which no longer exists; cosmic rays are messengers of another time way before our existence. In the same way, the artwork renders the invisible visible, and connects us to the magnitude of space and time.


2019 __ D'un soleil a l'autre , group show, U-boot Base, Bordeaux

2021 __ Cosmos District, group show, Ososphere at Cathedrale, Strasbourg

art installations by the Belgian art studio LAb[au] working at the crossing of art&language, art&architecture in the tradition of concrete, conceptual, kinetic and digital art

LAb[au] is working on the relationship between: architecture & art - language & art, at the crossing of conceptual, concrete, and digital art.

official logo of LAb[au]
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