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Tessel, kinetic sound installation

David Letellier + LAb[au]


Tessel, kinetic sound installation


co-production: MediaRuimte + Roger Tator
with the financial support of Arcadi, Dicream and the Commission des Arts Numériques de la Communauté Française de Belgique.


Aluminium, motors, sound excitors, cables, Di-Bond

Small Title


The installation involves the spectator in the perception of sound through a suspended and articulated topography. It is based on the interrelation between sound, shape, and movement driven by the force feedback of its motors.


The installation involves the spectator in the perception of sound using a suspended plane measuring 4 x 2 m and divided into forty triangles. Twelve of them are motorized, and eight are equipped with audio transducers that convert the surface into a sonic topography. The surface gradually changes shape altering our perception through the interplay of shape and movement. The artwork's name is derived from the term tessellation, which refers to the geometric subdivision of a surface into planar figures, also known as tiling. The term derives from the Latin word "tessella", which refers to the square tiles used in mosaics.

Tessellation has been used throughout history, from ancient to modern times, and ranges from two to n-dimensional configurations. It combines science and art through mathematics. The installation is based on the Pinwheel Pattern, a non-periodic tiling developed by mathematicians Charles Radin and John Conway. It enables the creation of an infinitely complex geometry based on a simple right-angled triangle. The pinwheel pattern is transformed, folded, and transposed into the third dimension.

Tessel is a collaboration between French composer and artist David Letellier, and LAb[au], co-produced by the galleries MediaRuimte (Brussels) and Roger Tator (Lyon), and realised with the financial support of Arcadi, Dicream and the Commission des Arts Numériques de la Communauté Française de Belgique.

2009 - Tessel, MediaRuimte, Brussels 2010 - Tessel, Musée du Moulage (Roger Tator), Lyon 2011 - Diffraction, group show TAG, the Hague 2011 - Nemo festival, studio Gael Haitin, Paris 2011 - Cimatics festival, Gare de Midi, Brussels 2011 - Scopitone festival, Chateau des Ducs, Nantes

archived installation by the Belgian Art studio LAb[au] , art&language art&architecture,  working on the relation between, conceptual art, digital art, konkrete kunst

LAb[au] is working on the relationship between: architecture & art - language & art, at the crossing of conceptual, concrete, and digital art.

official logo of LAb[au]
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