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Source of Uncertainty

LAb[au], Manuel Abendroth, Jérôme Decock

Podiumkunsten Gebouw, Leuven, Belgium


Source of Uncertainty


Kirsten Gabriels, Sergisonbates Architects
Veerle Van Schoelant, City of Leuven
Dries Mouton, engineering


2023 --- October, LAb[au] selected for the international art competition
2024 --- January, LAb[au] declared winner for the Podiumkunsten Gebouw artwork
2024 --- September, final design approval by the project pilot committee


Capturing Cosmic rays and transcribing these data into sound, text and music diffused in different parts of the building - to listen to these messengers from an other time and space.

additional text


public artworks in progress by the Belgium art studio LAb[au], art & architecture - art & language - conceptual art - kinetic art - digital art - konkrete Kunst - art concret 

LAb[au] is working on the relationship between: architecture & art - language & art, at the crossing of conceptual, concrete, and digital art.

official logo of LAb[au]
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