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This exhibition places side by side the architectural and visual art heritage of the Vasarely Foundation side by side with contemporary artworks that develop a transversal approach across “digital” art and sound creation. Here, artwork created on site and known of as “integrations” are shown along side a selection of the silkscreen prints produced by the master of Op Art, Victor Vasarely, a sculpture by the forefather of cybernetic art, Nicolas Schoëffer - Chronos 10 - and other artworks recognized as being at the spearhead of today’s “digital” art. If the Vasarely Foundation, a veritable shrine of Op art, has work that is considered some of the most contemporary pieces of graphic artwork today, we can still feel that the mark of time, the vocabulary and the art language developed by the one continues to nourish the creativity and technological mastery of the other. By revealing the attitude adopted by the creators-developers of today, those following in the wake of Victor Vasarely and Nicolas Schöffer, we will understand how their work also bears the mark of the technological upheavals of their era.
This group exhibition will be the subject of a catalogue to be published by LAb[au] entitled: MetaDesign
presented artworks
framework f5x5x5
binaryWave Notations
Pixflox and SwarmDots
list of artists
Carsten Nicolai, Rota
Ryoji Ikeda, data.scan
Zimoun, 175 Prepared DC-Motors
Marius Watz, grid distotions
LAb[au], multiple works
release monography: MetaDesign
The Exhibition further including works of French pioneers of kinetic, op, generative and cybernetic art:
Vera Molnar (plotter drawings), Nicolas Schöffer (chronos10), Jean-Pierre Yvaral, Victor Vasarely
group shows by the Belgian art studio LAb[au] working on the crossing of art & language, art & architecture in the tradition of conceptual, concrte, kinetic and digital art
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