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Wortmischungen, Colour Theory - THE ARCHIVE

2023, ongoing

LAb[au], Manuel Abendroth, Jérôme Decock, Thibaut Droullion
size: module of 1000 files: 110x80x90cm
techniques: computer-generated files, digital print, printed, metal shelves


the archive exists in German, English and French
German:14.000 Anagrams
English: 24.000 Anagrams
French: 1000 Anagrams


For 1000 files, one element of 110x80x90cm


The archives has been started fin 2024 in English, German, French

3 modules including each  1000 files per language.


2024 ___ Art Brussels, Booth Galerie la Patinoire Royale Bach, Brussels

2024 ___ FARBEN | FERNAB, Galerie la Patinoire Royale Bach, Brussels

2024 ___ Languages et Imaginaires, Gaite Lyrique, Paris,


The archive displays a colour theory based on anagrams of colour names, setting the ethymologie of colour in the centre of the artistic exploration and expression, whereas the anagrams create a new field of reading, establishing step by step a language of colours.


transcoding: colour and language

the German archive currently contains 13500 files
the French archive currently contains 1000 files
the English archive currently contains 24000 files
* we are constantly expanding our archives of colour names and their ethymology, which are at the base of the project


The archive is based on a database of colour names. We have so far collected 10.000 in German, 7000 in French, and 14.000 in English. For each colour, we research its history, its ethymology, and its source, information, which is displayed on the index cards. It's an ongoing process, and we will soon launch the first revision of the archive.

Based on the database of colour names, the anagrams are generated, crossing each colour name with all the others and verifying for each permutation if the combination exists as a current word in the German, French, and English dictionaries. For some anagrams, billions of combinations exist and have to be checked. The amount of permutations is also displayed on the index cards.

For example, an anagram like 'Abecedaria', resulting from the crossing of the colour names 'aloe' and 'beer', is checked for each of its 302400 possible permutations for their relevancy in an English dictionary. Afterward, we verify that the colour names Aloe and Beer are somewhere indexed as colours. For example, 'beer' is indexed on and 'aloe' on Consequently, we also started an entire database of resources to check the existence of colour names.

Throughout this research, we qualify colour as having a predefined meaning before applying it in an artwork. A meaning that very often is not expressed in the artwork but which codifies its meaning and expression.
Likewise, we use a constituting element of the painting—colour, its history, etymology, etc.—as the main element of the painting itself. We, therefore, research the language of colour to create 'meta' paintings as a conceptual, theoretical, and colourful investigation in the incredible history of colour, of mankind.



artwork by the Belgian art-studio LAb[au] dealing with the transcoding of signs, symboles, codes from one media into another

LAb[au] is working on the relationship between: architecture & art - language & art, at the crossing of conceptual, concrete, and digital art.

official logo of LAb[au]
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