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origami Semaphore


LAb[au], Manuel Abendroth, Jérôme Decock, Els Vermang
5 modules 80x40cm each with 40 kinetic elements
techniques: aluminium, motors, custom-tailored software and electronics


unique kinetic artwork based on rhombi shape
other geometries are possible: see gallery 2


Verkehrsgelb / Safety yellow : RAL-Farbe 1023
Verkehrsrot / Safety red : RAL-Farbe 3020
Verkehrsweiß / Safety white : RAL 9016


2024 - Painting, Writing, Calculating, Transcoding

           Solo Show at Dan Galeria, Sao Paulo


           Solo Show, Kunstmuseum Heidenheim


           Group Show, Hospice Saint-Roch d'Issoudun

2020 - YES: NO, PERHAPS 

           Solo Show, Mario Mauroner Contemporary, Vienna

2019 - IF  THEN ELSE 

           Solo Show, Casino Luxembourg Forum d’art contemporain, Luxembourg City


The artwork transcribes the anthropomorphic flag alphabet of the semaphore into geometric shapes, subdivided into eight kinetic elements. Their motion follows this binary logic, displaying randomly all of its 17.210.368 combinations, which would take more than 11 years of continuous viewing.


transcoding: the flag alphabet, semaphore, into a rhombi shape subdivided into eight kinetic elements.
transcoding the alphabet into binary code expressed through the open/closed states of the yellow/red kinetic elements



This work explores the tessellation of planar geometries along with combinatory logic, using the principles of semaphore signalling to extend its formal language to written/spoken language. The starting point consists of five modules transcribing the coding and anthropomorphic constraints of the flag telegraph (semaphore) into a geometric and kinetic construct.
But instead of displaying words, the work randomly permutes letters, producing equal geometric compositions. Here, written language, where one would normally locate meaning, is reduced to probability, all possible meanings within the same construct.


privat collection, Miami, USA

artwork by the Belgian art-studio LAb[au] dealing with the transcoding of signs, symboles, codes from one media into another

LAb[au] is working on the relationship between: architecture & art - language & art, at the crossing of conceptual, concrete, and digital art.

official logo of LAb[au]
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