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LAb[au], Manuel Abendroth, Jérôme Decock, Els Vermang
Size: 60 x 60 cm and 110 x 110 cm
Technique: pigmentprint on D-bond


computer-generated prints with pseudo code
edition of 3
cycle AM or PM (12prints) : edition of 1
Complete cycle (24 prints) : edition of 1


as widget , the ChronoApp
as a real-ime illumination of the Dexia Tower, Brussels in 2007


2009 ___  time|emit, DAM Gallerie, Berlin, Berlin 

2009 ___  Young Belgium Painters Award, Bozar, Brussels 

2010 ___  From kinetic to digital art, Fondation Vasarely, Aix en Provence 

2010 ___  West-Arch, Ludwig Forum, Aachen 

2010 ___  Creativity World Biennale, Oklahoma 

2011 ___  Tender Buttons, Overpoort, Gent 

2013 ___  Poème Numérique, Atomium, Brussels 

2014 ___  writing drawing painting, DAM Berlin, Berlin 

2014 ___  Accrochage, Denise René rive gauche, Paris 

2014 ___  zéro-un _ Galerie Denise René Rive Gauche, Paris 

2015 ___  monoChrono, Liedts-Meesen Foundation, Gent, 

2016 ___  calculations, permutations, notations, The Major Gallery, London 

2016 ___  Langage Codé, La Patinoire, Brussels 

2017 ___  Langage Codé, Fontana Gallery, Amsterdam 

2019 ___  IF THEN ELSE, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg City 

2022 / 23  Zeit Zeichen Zeichen Zeit, Kunstmuseum, Heidenheim

2024 ___  painting, writing, calculating, transcoding, Dan Galeria, Sao Paulo


The plotting of the primary colours of light (red, green, blue) accordingly to the basic units of time (hours, minutes, seconds) creates the chromatic of time.


transcoding: time to colour



The artwork is based on an analytic system assigning the basic units of time – hours, minutes and seconds - to the primary colours of light - red, green and blue. This association leads to a process of colour surfaces filling the space over time. This results in overlapping colour surfaces, areas where the secondary colours yellow, cyan and magenta appear.

A chronoPrint is a plot of one hour of a day, starting with its first second at the left upper corner, until the last; 3600th one, at the right bottom corner. Each horizontal line of a print displays the 60 seconds of a minute while the entire 60 lines display the 60 minutes of an hour. Each of the 3600 separated squares is itself divided into solid delineated colour surfaces. The process is based on the ‘American’ 12-hour system dividing a day into two periods (a.m. / p.m.).

This logic finds its expression in the application of a process which involves adding colour between noon and midnight and subtracting colour from midnight to noon. Con- sequently a complete white colour space appears at midnight, when all hours, minutes and seconds have completed, and a complete black colour space appears at noon, when all colours are reduced to zero. This division into two parts is formalised by a white and black background. Accordingly the prints portray a fundamental theme of painting: the relation between colour and time reduced to their most elementary expression.

From this parametric relation emerges colour patterns best described as chromatic textures of time.
TransCoding: the units of time to colour

the artwork also exists as installation of 12 Nintendo DS lite
the artwork also has been displayed on as ChronoTower, Brussels and at Liedts-Meesen Foundation, Gent


private collections France
private collections Belgium
private collections Germany
private collection Australia
private collection USA
private collections Brazil

collection: Liedts-Meesen Foundation

artwork by the Belgian art-studio LAb[au] dealing with the transcoding of signs, symboles, codes from one media into another

LAb[au] is working on the relationship between: architecture & art - language & art, at the crossing of conceptual, concrete, and digital art.

official logo of LAb[au]
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