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size: 80x160 cm & 60x140 cm
the work also exists as a field of pigments, an energy field ( see installations)
2016 ___ LANGAGE CODÉ, Galerie Valérie Bach / La Patinoire Royale, Brussels
2017 ___ TIME, Societé, Brussels
2018 ___ TIME, Catherine Bastide project, Marseille
2018 ___ UNTITLED (MONOCHROME, Richard Taittinger, New York, USA
2020 - 21 YES: NO, PERHAPS, Mario Mauroner Contemporary, Vienna
The radio-luminescent monochrome constantly emits energy into space, a painting in decay made tangible by the clicking Geiger counter. Here, colour is a state in time that turns to black in 1600 years, a process whose magnitude makes it invisible to the viewer, who is left with the concept beyond its material presence.
painting, LAb[au]'s artistic practice is organised in different sections: painting, writing, calculating, transcoding and in artworks, installations and site-specific projects
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