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origami Permutations

since 2014

LAb[au], Manuel Abendroth, Jérôme Decock, Els Vermang
size: various dimensions
technique: MDF, ABS, Superwhite paint


has been realised in various sizes and patterns

standard formats are 60x60, 80x120, 120x120cm


The geometries of these reliefs are vocabulary, and their random permutation is syntax. Following this formal language, an unlimited number of variations can be obtained, where each relief is just a sample of the infinite plane of possibilities.


The permutations are a series of unique reliefs exploring the tessellation of a surface in divisions and subdivisions. By combining a rule-based approach with randomness, the work formalises the artist’s concept of random order.

Painted in 'Superblack', the work unfolds a new dimension; from a distance, it appears as a perfect black monochrome that only reveals its relief when approached, like a visual enigma that partially reveals its meaning.


2014 ___ ACCROCHAGE, group-show, Denise René Galerie, Paris 

2014 ___ writing drawing painting, solo-show, DAM Gallery, Berlin 

2014 ___ zero/one, solo-show, Galerie Denise René, Paris 

2014 ___ Bright Matter, group-show Muriel gespin Gallery, New York

2015 ___ rouge vert bleu _ blanc, solo-show, Centre Des Arts, Enghien Les Bains 

2015 ___ calculations, permutations, ..., solo-show, The Mayor Gallery, London 

2016 ___ ART BRUSSELS, solo booth, Denise René Galerie, Paris 

2016 ___ LANGAGE CODE, solo-show, La Patinoire Royale, Brussels 

2016 ___ digital abstractions, group-show, Haus der Künste, Basel 

2017 ___ BRAFA, art fair, La Patinoire Royale Brussels 

2017 ___ ART BRUSSELS, art fair, Denise René Galerie, Paris 

2017 ___ CODED LANGUAGE, solo-show, Fontana Gallery, Amsterdam 

2017 ___ LUMIERE ET MOUVEMENT, group-show, Galerie Denise René, Paris 

2018 ___ SP ARTE, art fair, Dan Galeria, Sao Paolo 

2020 ___ IF THEN ELSE, solo-show, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg City 

2021 ___ ESPACES INTÉRIEURS III, group-show, Liaigre Showroom, Brussels 

2020 ___ YES: NO, PERHAPS, solo-show, Mario Mauroner Contemporary, Vienna 

2022 ___ ZEITZEICHEN, ZEICHENZEIT, solo-show,  Kunstmuseum Heidenheim 

2024 ___ painting, writing, calculating,... solo-show, Dan Galeria, Sao Paulo


private collection, Belgium
private collection, France
private collection, Germany
private collection, Brazil
private collection, Spain

Fidelity collection, Luxembourg

artworks by the Belgian art studio LAb[au] based on calculations as process of artmaking - art&language - art  architecture - conceptual art - digital art - konkrete kunst - art & mathematics

LAb[au] is working on the relationship between: architecture & art - language & art, at the crossing of conceptual, concrete, and digital art.

official logo of LAb[au]
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