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8x8 grid of 20x20cm tiles
the artwork exist as a permanent artwork, integration of 15x26 tiles
The play on primary colors and the geometric constellations give the artwork a 'neo-plasticist' character, whereas its programmed logic combines serendipity with simplicity, and order with randomness.
Four modules are arranged into a square, presenting a regular grid of 4x4x4 = 64 white, squared tiles. Each tile can be activated by a linear motor retracting it 10 cm from the installation’s vertical plane. The individual control of the tiles’ motion creates three-dimensional reliefs based on simple geometric patterns. These patterns appear at irregular moments and shortly after decompose, following random logics. The formation of patterns underlines the geometric design, whereas random arrangements privilege the mixing of colours. The conception of the tiles’ motion, the programme, therefore presents a dialogue between both.
The tiles are illuminated by three light projectors in red, green, and blue colours. The white illumination of the tiles, resulting from the mixing of the three primary colours, is decomposed by the tiles’ motion in coloured shadows displaying the primary and secondary colours of light. These coloured shadows appear and disappear following the back and forth motion of the tiles. This implementation assigns the visible spectrum of light to the position (space) and motion (time) of the tiles and consequently unifies colour and motion through the phenomenon of light.
The installation’s elementary visual and architectural vocabulary forms a neo-plasticist work using the additive principles of light instead of the subtractive one of paint. This positions the installation in the tradition of Art Concret, whereas its programmed logic reveals new qualities of light. Through algorithmic logic and the composition, the installation reconciles simplicity with serendipity and geometric order with randomness.
2013 ___ cinétique/numérique, group-show, Denise René Galerie, Paris
2014 ___ Victor Vasarely Hommage group-show, Mussée d'Ixelles, Brussels
2014 ___ writing drawing painting, solo-show, DAM Gallery, Berlin
2015 ___ rouge vert bleu _ blanc, solo-show, Centre Des Arts, Enghien Les Bains
2015 ___ Scopitone, group-show, Trempolino, Nantes
2016 ___ Ososphere, group-show, Université Strasbourg, Strasburg
2016 ___ LANGAGE CODE, solo-show, La Patinoire Royale, Brussels
2016 ___ ACT, group-show, Asian Center of Arts Gwangju, South Korea
2022 ___ ZEITZEICHEN, ZEICHENZEIT, solo-show, Kunstmuseum Heidenheim
artworks by the Belgian art studio LAb[au] based on calculations as process of artmaking - art&language - art architecture - conceptual art - digital art - konkrete kunst - art & mathematics
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